According to the U.S Dietary 2010 – 2015, females need to take 25 grams of dietary fiber daily, while males need to absorb 38 grams in order to maintain healthy lifestyle. Dietary fiber is the 7th important nutrition needed by human body. Lack of fiber can lead to many kinds of gastrointestinal diseases. PHHP Phyto Fiber contains plant fiber including oat, roselle, psyllium husk and hawthorn berries, helps to improve peristalsis and aids in enhancing digestive system. PHHP Phyto Fiber helps to increase intake of dietary fiber, hence maintain healthy digest system.
2 flavours available: Original and Lemon (20 gm × 15 satchet)
<<Main Ingredients>>
Oat, Roselle, Psyllium Husk and Hawthorn Berry
<<Unique Selling Point>>
Natural Plant Fiber
Combination of both soluble fiber and insoluble fiber
Dietary fiber helps to absorb water, soften stool and stimulate intestinal movement, helps to clean putrefaction and toxic, soothing constipation.
Dietary fiber can increase number of friendly bacteria in our gastrointestinal system and improve immunity, helps in maintaining good intestinal function.
Dietary fiber can provide satiety and hence control weight.
Dietary fiber lengthens the time food stays in the stomach, therefore it can decrease blood sugar and fat absorb by body, hence helps in stabilizing blood pressure, blood sugar and controlling cholesterol.
<< Now Only RM 88 >>